The editorial board of the Albuquerque Journal said it best in its editorial summary of January 13, 2024: “New alcohol taxes would result in higher prices for consumers, which could be detrimental to the restaurant and hospitality industry, with patrons visiting less frequently or deciding to stay home and entertain.”

Titled “Jacking up alcohol taxes is the last thing local restaurants and bars need,” the editorial made a number of good points:

  • “New Mexico currently has the highest excise tax regionally and one of the highest nationally.”
  • “People will seek alternative ways to get their fix, which could be more damaging, not only to themselves but also the community.”
  • “It would be a nail in the coffin for many [small businesses] who are struggling to keep their head above water with inflation on the cost of ingredients and equipment while also struggling with employee shortages and supply chain issues.”

The editorial ends by advocating for a reallocation of existing taxes toward treatment programs. The New Mexico Alcohol Alliance supports this view.

Business Owners on the Record

The Albuquerque Journal also published a letter to the editor written by Mike Cheney, owner of Win, Place & Show in Ruidoso. Mike points out…

“Many places are still recovering from hundreds of days’ worth of important but burdensome COVID shutdowns. The back and forth between open, closed, outdoor dining or takeout only did a number on establishments operating on razor thin margins. When those started to subside, we ran into supply chain issues. We had shortages of nearly everything: drinks, containers and even napkins. Inflation caused already slim profit margins to go on a diet. We’re a bar and package liquor store, but most of our revenue comes from the bar side. If it becomes too pricey for people to regularly have a night out on the town, eventually we’ll have to close our doors for good. Win Place & Show has been in Ruidoso for almost 70 years, and closing shop is the last thing we want to do.”

Thank you for adding your voice to the discussion!